Policies, Terms and Conditions - Dental jobs in Canada
  • The first job search website in Canada for dentistry professionnals

Confidentiality Policy


Respect for and protection of your privacy by Dentalemployment.caTM


We are aware of the concerns raised by the issue of personal information circulating on the Internet, and we wish to collaborate with you to ensure that your privacy is respected and protected. In that spirit, we would like to explain which types of information are collected when you visit our website, as well as when, how and why that information is collected. Please carefully read the text below and refer to it periodically to keep up with any changes that may be made. Rest assured that we do not collect any personal information concerning you without your consent. 


Collection and processing of personnal information



Under certain very specific circumstances, namely when you register for one of our personalization, email or online advertising contest services, we ask you to provide your name, address, email address and other personal information using an online form. Every time we ask you for such information, we provide you with prior explicit notification of such. We also inform you that this information will be subject to processing, that is, a set of operations that may involve collecting, saving, building, modifying, storing and deleting this personal information. Wherever possible, we provide you with the means to verify that your personal information is accurate and up to date. In addition, we occasionally ask you, via the use of forms, whether you wish to receive information on other services, contests, or news about Dentalemployment.caTM or its partners. You can always choose to decline those offers or to unsubscribe from a personalized service to which you had previously chosen to subscribe.



Collecting personal information simply allows us to provide you with services that better meet your needs, to contact you should you ever win a prize and, if you have indicated your wish for us to do so, occasionally send you information by email. 


For whom?

It is important to specify here that advertisers, other clients or partners of Dentalemployment.caTM never have access to information concerning you at any time. Only Dentalemployment.caTM has access to the information you have provided. Should you be asked to provide information for another reason, you will automatically and expressly be notified at the time this information is requested from you.


No personal information will ever be made available to persons outside of Dentalemployment.caTM without your explicit and prior authorization. In addition, please note that any and all personal information we collect is saved in sections of the website that are not accessible to the public.


Despite the above, you may at any time request that we not use or stop using your personal information.

The only situations in which we may disclose personal information concerning you are the following: a request by a legal authority or in good faith in consideration that this action is required, (a) to comply with any laws or regulations in effect, or to intervene in a proceeding initiated against Dentalemployment.caTM; (b) to protect or defend the property or rights of Dentalemployment.caTM or of its users; and (c) to intervene, under extreme circumstances, for the purpose of protecting the personal safety of Dentalemployment.caTM users or the general public.


Be vigilant!

Our website contains links towards other websites managed by third parties. Those links are only provided for your convenience. Clicking on those links takes you out of our website. Please note that we exercise no control over third party websites, and providing links to those sites on our website does not imply any responsibility on our part. Thus, any personal information you provide to other websites will necessarily be subject to the protection of personal information polices of those other websites. Dentalemployment.caTM cannot be held responsible for any abuse that may result from using those websites. We therefore recommend that you carefully examine the protection of personal information policies of those websites.


In addition, please keep in mind that the voluntary disclosure of personal information during chat sessions, via email or on an electronic bulletin board is not covered by this confidentiality policy; you must always remain vigilant when you provide personal information through these means. You transmit this information at your own risk. The information can be collected and used by third parties without any prior consent whatsoever on your part. In short, when you enter personal information online and this information is accessible to the public, you run the risk of eventually receiving unsolicited messages from third parties. Dentalemployment.caTM shall not be held liable in this regard. We advise you to remain prudent and attentive at all times when you are using the Internet. 



We have implemented security measures to protect you against the loss or unauthorized use of information concerning you that is under our control. In addition, our servers use firewall protection technology. However, no safety mechanisms are perfect, and please remember that there is always a risk that personal information you provide to us may be disclosed through no fault of ours and without your consent. We deny any responsibility with regard to the fact that such confidential information concerning you may be disclosed, except in the event of negligence on our part. 


Child and adolescent safety on the Internet

The number of children and adolescents who use the Internet is constantly increasing, and this provides them with many benefits. However, as with any other environment, they may become the target of crime or exploitation since they are more vulnerable. We therefore advise you to monitor how your children and adolescents use your Internet service and to provide them with safety advice and recommendations as well as common sense tips. Such measures can often prevent your children and adolescents from being exposed to offensive material, or from becoming the victims of harassment or other criminal acts.


In order to reduce the risk that your children and adolescents be exposed to such situations, exercise reasonable supervision of their use of your Internet service. Your children and adolescents must be aware that they must never disclose personal information such as their name, telephone number or address on forums.


It is important that your children and adolescents be encouraged to share with you any concerns or worries if they receive any shocking or inappropriate messages, or any other content that makes them uncomfortable.


These recommendations will help your children and adolescents use the Internet in an informed manner and ensure that they will take full advantage of all of the benefits the Internet has to offer to enhance their development. 



Cookies are elements of information sent to you by a website you are visiting. They are stored temporarily or permanently on your hard drive to keep track of your visit. The stored information may concern, in particular, the time and date of your visit, a response to a questionnaire filled out on the website, personal information collected by the server, etc. Thus, cookies may increase the Internet’s usefulness by saving information concerning your preferences for a given website.


The use of cookies has become widespread in the world of computers. Most Web browsers accept them by default. If you wish, you can always change your settings to refuse cookies. Doing so, however, may prevent you from benefiting from all of the features a website has to offer.


Cookies, in and of themselves, are harmless. You can consult them and delete them if you wish, since they are stored on your hard drive. You have complete control. 


The use of cookies by Dentalemployment.caTM

First, we use cookies to monitor traffic, anonymously, on our sites. They enable us to measure our audience.


Every user who accesses our website is assigned a unique cookie. This cookie is used to distinguish recurrent users from new users. This information is useful to us in our marketing efforts, but it cannot be used to identify you. This allows us to tell our advertisers how many users have visited one of our sites, and for how long, so they can measure the potential results of purchasing advertising on the site. This information is also used to set our advertising rates. Advertisers on our website cannot identify you personally with this information.


Furthermore, we use cookies to provide you with the personalized services you want, such as access to specialized content. To obtain these personalized services, you fill out a registration form in which you are asked to provide us with personal information and information concerning your preferences with regard to certain content or activities in our Web pages. When you register, and if you let us save your password, a cookie enables us to recognize every one of your visits on our website.


We request this personal information for the sole purpose of allowing us to provide you with content, tools or advertising that matches the preferences you have shared with us on the registration form, so that you may get the most out of your visits on our site. This information remains strictly for our use and is no way accessible to our clients, partners, advertisers or other external stakeholders.


We hope this section has clarified the strict confidentiality policy in effect at Dentalemployment.caTM. We reserve the right to modify the confidentiality policy presented above at any time. We therefore invite you to visit this page periodically to see whether any changes have been made.


The Dentalemployment.caTM team



Note: Dentalemployment.caTM is a trademark used under licence. 



Terms and conditions of use


Before using this website*, you must read and agree to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you may not access this website.


By navigating on this website, you agree not to post or transmit any viruses, cancelbots, Trojan horses, worms or any other harmful or disruptive elements. In addition, you recognize that you may not copy, reproduce, distribute, translate, download, post or transmit, in any form or manner whatsoever, any elements of this website without prior written authorization from Dentalemployment.caTM or the copyright holder. You may, however, browse or download material on this website for your own personal use only, providing no modifications are made and that you diligently keep all intellectual property notices it contains. Lastly, you agree to comply with all Québec statutes in effect and, without limiting the generality of the above, comply with the Copyright Act and not commit any violations of the Criminal Code



User name and password

You are responsible for keeping your user name and password confidential. You recognize and agree that Dentalemployment.caTM cannot be held responsible for their loss or unauthorized use, or for any damages that may result from their loss or unauthorized use. 



In order to protect you against the loss or unauthorized use of the information you provide on this website, Dentalemployment.caTM has implemented firewall technology. Since no security mechanisms are infallible, however, we must inform you that there is a risk that the personal information you provide to us may by disclosed to unauthorized third parties, through no fault on our part. 


Use of the website

Should you agree to provide personal information, or any other information or message, either from or via this website, you guarantee that this information or message is valid, accurate and that it complies with the terms and conditions herein. You also agree to keep this information up to date. In addition, you recognize Dentalemployment.caTM’s right to use, reproduce, post, compile or disseminate this information or messages, regardless of format, media and technology used.


Lastly, you grant Dentalemployment.caTM the right to delete, if applicable and at its discretion, some of your data. Dentalemployment.caTM hereby declares that it does not commercialize its list of users and that its advertisers can never access personal information concerning you. At no time may you use this website for the purpose of studies, solicitation, sales or other commercial activities. 



Dentalemployment.caTM is not responsible for the accuracy or the validity of the personal information, information, messages or other elements disseminated and cataloged on its website, which are provided with no guarantees. As a result, we wish to notify users that it is incumbent on employers, who post job offers, and candidates, who offer their services, to verify the accuracy of the personal information, the information, messages and any other elements they transmit to us. 



By agreeing to use this website, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the company Dentalemployment.caTM from and against all damages, costs and other expenses (including reasonable legal fees) related to any violation of these terms and conditions and any use of this website made or authorized on your part. 


Searching the website

Dentalemployment.caTM wishes to notify you that searching the bank of candidates can only be carried out on the basis of the position and the region indicated in the job offer. 



If you decide to access the Dentalemployment.caTM website at this time, you recognize having read, understood and agreed to all of the terms and conditions listed above, and you agree to respect those terms and conditions in their entirety.



Claire Marie Larochelle, President




* Dentalemployment.caTM is a trademark of Placement dentaire de l'Estrie inc., used under licence.